5 Tips for Teaching Students with MR

1. Teach Baby Steps. Children with mental retardation are certainly not babies. This term is intended to encourage teachers to break down their lessons into simple, easier to manage steps. This will keep frustration levels down and enable learning to take place. Wait until the student masters the baby step before moving onto the next one.

2. Concrete Learning Experiences. Introduce new ideas in a physical, hands-on approach. Use manipulatives when teaching math. Take field trips to the grocery store or post office for a meaningful experience. When students are able to make real connections to the world around them, or physically explore a concept, the knowledge will stick with them.

3. Immediate and Positive Feedback. Everyone appreciates a pat on the back. Positive feedback will encourage the student to keep on trying. If a student masters a concept or meets a goal it is important to reward or applaud the student immediately. Having a pizza party at the end of the month for a job well done three weeks earlier is not going to make a connection with the student.

4. Sing a Song. I have found that music is a wonderful motivator among all children and particularly ones with mental retardation. Keep in mind, each child is different but I have yet to find a student who was not positively influenced by music incorporated into lessons. Making a simple, catchy song to go along with a concept is a fun way to engage the student and help them remember information.

5. Patience. The most important tip I can give is to have patience. Students with mental retardation can often be unpredictable in what they can learn and what might set off a certain behavior. What might appear to be a temper tantrum is often the student’s way of telling you, “This is too hard. I am frustrated,” or “I am tired. I need a break.” Take the time to learn the individual child’s needs and who they are. If you are feeling overwhelmed and cannot relate to the student it is okay to stop the lesson and resume when both student and teacher can handle the lesson pace. It may take a while for students to make some progress, but if you are patient it will be priceless when they do.