1. Plastic Sheeting to Paint with No Mess:
• Place a sheet of 12"x14" plastic sheet down on table
• Placte a sheet of drawing paper on top of plastic
• Drop of spoonful of each of the primary colors onto the paper
• Place another plastic sheet over top of the paper
• Tape down
• Have students use popsicle sticks, a comb or their finger to mix the paints
2. Bubble Wrap Prints:
• Have student paint bubble wrap
• Place 12"x18" white paper over top of bubble wrap
• Remove paper to see print
3. Bubble Wrap Print Collage:
• use bubble wrap prints to create a collage
• Add sand paper, felt and other texture items to complete
4. Paint Dotters or sponges clipped with spring clothes pins create great painting techniques.
5. Monotype:
• Roll tempera paint with brayer onto an old cookie sheet
• Have students draw in paint with index finger
• Place paper overtop of painted cookie sheet
• Create a print
6. Stitching with Yarn and burlap