• May have an unusually strong or focused interest or fixation (such as a television program, certain toys, or games)
• May repeat words, questions, or phrases and cannot move on to other topics
• May repeat certain actions and get “stuck” doing the same things over and over and cannot move on to other things (e.g. closing doors, flicking lights)
• May obsessively follow daily routines or schedules and be unable or unwilling to be flexible in changing these routines
• May have a difficult time transitioning to a different activity
• May express high levels of anxiety regarding specific objects or events (e.g. weather events, specific machines)
• May play in repetitive ways
• May demonstrate repetitive body or other motor movements, such as spinning, rocking, or finger flicking
• May show intense interest in parts of objects, as opposed to using an entire toy or object
• May have movements that result in self-injury, such as scratching eyes, skin picking, biting hands, and head banging
• May demonstrate increased sensitivity to certain textures, tastes, and smells
• May demonstrate increased sensitivity to visual and / or auditory stimulation
• May seek out additional sensory stimulation in atypical ways (e.g. licking objects, eating non-foods, smelling objects, closing one eye to gaze at object)